Friday 21 March 2014

Evaluation draft question 5.

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

My target audience ranges between 16-25 year old young adults and teenagers, so i have designed my magazine with this audience in mind at all times to get them wanting to buy my magazine. By using artists that fall into this target age range, so the audience can related to them well. My audience is for both male and female depending on the issue and which artist or band is featured in the magazine so when attracting my audience i had to make sure i didn't favour one gender over the other. Although my band used is all males i made sure that their fashion style and pages graphology was simply and gender neutral to still be able to attract both genders despite the all male band. The cover lines on the cover page feature  a range of male and female bands and fashion designers creating this balance between male and female readers, but keeping this balance through every magazine issue would be difficult to achieve which i will have to keep into account. I have kept my cover very plain due to my minimalist and simplistic style which this audience will like as their style them selves is very simply and unique as well.

I designed my contents page the way i did taking into account this target audience and the style i used for my cover page that work welled to follow it through the rest of my magazine to accurately address the audience. The simply, semi literate approach i went for in the language on the contents page was from my genre and audience as i knew my audience wouldn't want to be reading big long words and paragraphs of information as that's not in their simply different style. As i made this contents page not very busy it follows this minimalist and simply style again of not being full with text and images also the same with the mono tonal colour scheme, keeping everything basic and simply in black and white, like the clash magazine does as well which also gives a very sophisticated look that i know my audience would like the look of as it makes them seem respected more and being treated like grown ups and it seems so different and daring as its so simply which will entice them more. 

The photograph i chose for my double page spread shows the whole band, to give more of an incite into the whole band together not just the leader singer which that page has the article about. But their natural and simply pose and look they give in this image suits my audience as they are relaxed and simply which makes the band come across as serious and cool. The cover line i placed on the page of the article is a quote from it to entice the audience to want to read on and know more about this band, addressing them directly because this audience are constantly wanting to be up to date with new bands and information which this double page spread does. For my article i decided to chose to do questions and answers as i felt this would most suit my audience my age group, as they won't be interested in reading heavy, uninspiring text. I did start with a paragraph of a brief introduction to my band artist, as this was appropriate with a new up coming band, whilst it also suited the indie\alternative scenester audience who like to be in the know of current new artists. The questions and answers i felt also address my audience as it provides them with relevant information about the band straight away and keeps them in the know. So the very informative style of the article in showing information right away to the audience attracts the audience of indie\alternative scenesters as this suits their needs to be up to date and current.

To conclude i do believe i have tried a lot of methods in an attempt to attract and address my target audience thats appreciated and understood by this audience iv tried to attract. I have done this by researching the target age group and their mannerisms through audience research and creating audience profiles, this was so i could create something that shows and suits the audiences needs and wants.

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